Vintage Reports

Vintage 2015

Vintage 2015

In one word – DRY.  After some mixed weather at the start of the growing season, summer arrived in time for Christmas, and temperatures never really changed right into mid-March.

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Vintage 2014

Vintage 2014

With around 8 months between budburst and harvest, there is a lot that can happen during the growing season, and the 2013-2014 season seemed to never make its mind up about being hot, cold, dry or wet.

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Vintage 2013

Vintage 2013

Very good. The growing season started out neither late nor early, but several weeks after budburst considerable alarm was caused due to plunging temperatures and the threat of frost.

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Vintage 2012

Vintage 2012

The growing season for 2012 was very much in two parts. The beginning of the season in September 2011 was cool, dreary and generally dismal. Bud burst for the vines was late by around two weeks, and the flowering period that followed in early "summer" was equally dull and cold.

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