"Appellation Marlborough Wine provides a regional quality mark that the wine buying public of the world can see and trust."
There’s no place in the world like Marlborough, and no wine in the world that tastes like ours. We believe that is worth protecting.
The Appellation Marlborough Wine regional quality mark is a timely evolution for a major international wine region, established to protect the integrity of Marlborough wine in the market place.
It is a promise of origin, integrity, authenticity and sustainability:
ORIGIN - Wines are made from grapes that are 100% sourced from Marlborough vineyards.
INTEGRITY - Wines are made from grapes cropped at or below set parameters, established according to seasonal and soil variability. Where cropping levels exceed that level, wines must be approved by an independent panel of experienced local producers.
AUTHENTICITY - Wines must be bottled in New Zealand.
SUSTAINABILITY - Associated vineyards are certified by a recognised sustainable viticulture scheme.
Grown with care, Marlborough wines are sophisticated and exciting, with distinctive aroma, unique fruit characteristics and elegantly balanced acidity. Their purity and flavour intensity has earned us a phenomenal global reputation.
With that maturity and success comes the proliferation of players and a range of quality expectations, which can put the hard-earned reputation of Marlborough wine at risk. The Appellation Marlborough Wine quality mark has been established to protect our reputation.
When consumers see an Appellation Marlborough Wine quality mark they can be confident of buying a wine of origin and quality, certified as authentic and sustainable.